International Journal of Academic Research & Development (IJAR&D)

Peer Reviewed Refereed International Journal
Starting Year: 2015


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Emotional Intelligence and Employee Intention to Retain : A Case Study of a Organization in Fast Moving Consumer Goods in Sri Lanka
P.A.S. Fernando | Prasadiniu Gamage
PAGES : 13
The Generational Gap and its Impact on Employee Motivation
M.D.I. Eragani | Prof. Prasadini Gamage
PAGES : 13
An Econometric Study on Effect of Industrial Growth on Technological Innovation in India
Karishma Kapoor | Pradeep Kumar Panda
PAGES : 14
Globalisation with Responsibility: Impact of Globalisation on Human Rights
Jean Maria George
Factors Influencing Job Seeker’s Intention to use E-recruitment: L Evidence from a State University in Sri Lanka
E.M.M.S.Ekanayaka | Prof. Prasadini Gamage
PAGES : 13
A Study on Importance of ICT in Women Ewmpowerment
Amarjeet | Pawan Kumar Bhura (Jain)